CROSS has the most-recent update cycle completed for both CROSS Library and CROSS Library Mint!
This update resolves several compatibility issues communicating with CROSS cloud servers which resulted from a recent upgrade as well as Windows compatibility issues during the update process. (In the past, updates were not launching or not completing entirely. This solves those problems cleanly allowing us to prompt less frequently for updates with more success on each update.)
NOTE: The main issue with our cloud-system upgrade has been fully resolved as of 8/27 and all recent versions of CROSS Library (later than November 2020 for sure–possibly earlier) will be able to communicate with the system and auto-update once again. If you Re-open CROSS Library using the ‘Desktop books icon’, the system should automatically update as intended. Please just allow it to update and click ‘Next’ and ‘Install’ when prompted.
If CROSS Library is causing you any issues and you would like help installing this update, please call 1-877-615-7230 and press 2 during the menu options for support assistance. Otherwise, the steps below are provided for your tech person to use…
After this update has been fully applied, your CROSS Library version on the ‘little books icon’ menu should show something like :’CROSS Library – 2021 (ver. 08.27…)’ (If displaying as earlier then August 27 2021, please call for support.)