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CROSS Library Download Options

Feel free to call us at 1-877-615-7230 if you need assistance with anything on this page.
(As you call, you will automatically hear your subscription status if your phone# is linked to your account in our system. Then, press 2 when you hear the option for support.)

The options below are based on your Windows System Type usually shown as ’64-bit operating system’ or ’32-bit operating system’. (This is NOT your Processor type.)

You can locate the System Type information for your system before proceeding to the options below by:
Windows 10, 8.1, 8: Click Start / Settings / System / About
Windows 7, Vista, XP Pro: Click Start / Control Panel / System (in the section named System Type)

CROSS Library Mint for 64-bit Windows

To install or upgrade CROSS Library for any 64-bit Windows, please see this page:
CROSS Library Mint downloads

CROSS Library Mint for Apple macOS

CROSS Library Mint for Linux

CROSS Library Legacy for 32-bit Windows

To install or upgrade an existing CROSS Library on any Windows 32-bit system, please see this page:
CROSS Library download for Windows 32-bit


1. You will need to have a current CROSS Library Subscription in order to download and install the latest version. If your subscription has lapsed, you may order the CROSS Library Subscription (1 Year) at our Secure Online Store

2. Remote Desktop Assistance–If you have the AnyDesk icon on your desktop, open it at this time.  If you do not see it on your desktop, we ask you to download AnyDesk.exe here, then click ‘Download Now’, and open it before you call.  (Just open it–there is no need to install it when prompted.)

3. Call CROSS Systems, Inc. at 1-877-615-7230 (press 2 for support) for installation assistance.  We will request your ID and Password to connect to your desktop and then handle the remaining steps to install and configure this version of CROSS Library and to give you a quick tour of how to use it.

AVOID DELAYS: As in any installation process, if your user account is limited, we may need you (or your network administrator) to enter credentials at the installation prompts for any installations.  You may go ahead and download using the provided links, then call us to install CROSS Library even if you do not have credentials (or are unsure of what to do). We want you to be aware of this possibility so you can obtain install credentials ahead of time, if necessary, to help you avoid delays during the installation process.



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