Where can I find help specifically for CROSS Library Mint?
If you have questions regarding CROSS Library Mint, click here
Welcome to our Online Support!
Hi, welcome to our online support center. We hope you can find many of the most common questions/answers here. Feel free to scroll through the questions, clicking to see answers to each. (Click on any question to drop down the answer.) We update this page as things change to keep you up-to-date with our current status on these issues.
If you cannot find what you are looking for here, you may reach us at 1-877-615-7230 and press 2 to get assistance. If we are unable to take your call, please leave a message, and we will return your call as soon as we can to assist you with your specific need.
Can I get remote assistance on my desktop?
Yes! CROSS Systems, Inc. is happy to connect to your desktop and assist you with installation of the CROSS Library 1.7 software or just to help you resolve any technical issues you may encounter with our software on your computer.
To have CROSS support personnel assist you: You may call us at 1-877-615-7230 (press 2 for support during the menu) while at your computer to let us know the nature of your specific question or problem. Or, if you would like, you may call us to schedule a time for the assistance session.
We are glad to make your life easier by handling installation and configuration of our software!
When you call for assistance, please download the AnyDesk software on your computer at this link.
Installing: Where are the download instructions?
We HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you call 1-877-615-7230 to verify your status before you begin (you will hear your subscription status if your phone is in our system. If your CROSS Library Subscription has expired, you will need to renew your subscription here first: CROSS Library Subscription
We provide installation/update support under a current CROSS Library Subscription or after your first purchase of a CROSS Library 1.7 Single-User License.
It is helpful to locate your ‘System Type’ and Windows version.
You can use the following steps to locate this info or call us at 1-877-615-7230 (2 for Support), and we can help you find it. Try the instructions below that match what you think is your version of Windows. The Edition information you find will verify the actual version of Windows. If you have trouble the first time, try the other set of instructions:
Windows 8-10:
- Right-click on your Start button (located in the lower-left hand corner of your screen).
- Select System on the menu that comes up. (If you see a ‘Settings’ Gear, click on that, then click System.)
- Locate About and click it. You should be able to see your System Type under Device specifications and your Edition under Windows specifications. If your System Type is 64-bit operating system, click here for the correct install procedure for your system. (Note: The ‘processor’ doesn’t matter–the ‘System Type’ is the important value.)
Windows XP, Vista and 7:
- Click on your Start button (located in the lower-left hand corner of your screen).
- Click on Control Panel (right-side of the menu usually a few items up from the bottom of the menu)
- Click on System or System and Security
- If you see System again, click on that
- You should be able to see your System Type under the System section and your Windows edition near the top of the window. If your System Type is 64-bit operating system, click here for the correct install procedure for your system. (Note: The ‘processor’ doesn’t matter–the ‘System Type’ is the important value.)
If your system is shown as 32-bit operating system, we recommend that you call us at 1-877-615-7230 (2 for installation support) to ensure everything gets installed correctly on your system. We will verify your system type and install using the latest CROSS Library download and install instructions HERE (Both 32-bit and 64-bit install procedures are on the same page at this time.)
If you have any questions or would like us to do the installation, feel free to give us a call for support at: 1-877-615-7230 and press 2 during the menu.
Installation and Post-Installation Tips — getting started, etc.
We recommend that you make a backup of your database(s) using the File/Backup/To Internet… function in the Library 1.7 as soon as you have installed or updated the software.
This lets you know that everything is working as it should and gives you a good backup before you continue using the system.
If you have not downloaded and installed yet, you may do so here.
We provide installation help with your purchase or renewal of your CROSS Library Subscription.
If you have any questions or would like us to do the installation, feel free to call support at: 1-877-615-7230 and press 2 for assistance.
I am having trouble with an update (installed between March 24th, 2017 and May 2018). What can I do? (Solution)
Our installer was missing a few files during that specific time period. If you are having any installation trouble regardless of installer version, please call the number shown on this page and press 2 for Support during the menu options. Please ensure your subscription is up-to-date, and we can assist with any installation issues.
What is the CROSS Library Subscription?
The CROSS Library Subscription is what we previously called the ‘Library 1.7 Technical Support and Updates Policy’.
The basics are summarized below.
The reason we made the change of name is that this service now covers more than just updates and support. This will continue to be the case as we continue to develop more services that are hosted on our network of servers. Our goal is to provide services that do much more than you could do yourself at a lower cost point and in a much-easier manner than possible by leveraging the technology we have at our disposal. The CROSS Library Subscription is available in the following formats at this time:
a) 1-Year Subscription (Prepaid annual plan)
This annual prepaid plan provides the following benefits for one year:
–Installation, updates, and support via internet remote access
–Software Updates, (as they are released) of new CROSS Library features and improvements. Note: These updates are only available under the CROSS Library Subscription and are downloadable via the internet. You are notified about these updates through our CROSS Library Helper icon in your system tray (down by the date/time display on the desktop) or via email.
–Internet Backup of Library database to CROSS servers using our managed backup service providing support for up to 9 levels of backup for EACH database you have. Note: This feature is ONLY available under a valid CROSS Library Subscription. You need to use the ‘File/Backup .L17 File/To Internet…’ option in the software to upload these backups to our system.
–Phone and email support as needed.
b) 2-Year Subscription (Prepaid at our lowest rate in 2019!)
…features are same as listed above
We recommend that you order online at crosslibrary.com/renewal, and we will process your renewal and contact you to update your software. You may also call us at 1-877-615-7230 (press 1 for Sales during the menu).
What if I cannot access your website links or CROSS Servers?
Q: I am having trouble accessing some CROSS website links and/or services (including: internet backups, internet restores, database rebuilds, or installation). What can I do to fix this?
A: RESOLVED IN CROSS Library Mint 64-bit August 5th, 2019 update. All customers using CROSS Library for 32-bit Windows can expect this update in a few months. It is unlikely that there will be issues such as these in our latest updates due to protocol upgrades we have made. If you continue to have issues AFTER this software update, you may want to give us a call for assistance or advice. We are always glad to help! Connectivity issues can be difficult to resolve.
(Remainder of original response redacted–our legacy cloud system had this issue in the past. That system has been replaced in mid-2019. As you upgrade, you will be connected to our new cloud system which no longer has these issues due to protocol upgrades.)
How do I Download Library 1.7 to a FlashDrive?
Q: How do I download Library 1.7 to a FlashDrive? NOTE: Download to FlashDrive does not currently work due to issues with our OFFLINE INSTALLER. The answer below will be updated after we release an update for the OFFLINE INSTALLER. During the interim, please connect your computer to some type of internet connection during installation. Then, proceed to get all of the available Windows Updates followed by our software updates. If your computer is not usually connected to the internet, we advise that you also make an Internet Backup of your database(s) after you have updated the CROSS Library software.—-A: After you have installed Library 1.7 onto a computer with internet, follow the steps below to transfer the software to a FlashDrive. You may then use the FlashDrive to install onto a computer (such as your library computer) which does not have internet access.PLEASE NOTE: CROSS Systems, Inc. STRONGLY recommends that you have internet on any computer where you will be using CROSS Library software. Internet access is required for some features of CROSS Library products, and this will continue to be the case for MOST IF NOT ALL NEW FEATURES in our software. While this is the case, we recognize the need to use the basic functions of Library 1.7 on computers that do not currently have internet.
Steps to Download Library 1.7 to a FlashDrive:
1. Go to the computer where you have installed CROSS Library from our download link.
2. Locate the “Library 1.7 Helper” icon (down in the system tray by the clock–it looks like a little blue cube-like icon), right-click on that icon, click “Admin” on the menu that pops up, then click on the “Download Library 1.7 to FlashDrive” option.
3. If prompted to enter your customer#, find that in your documents, enter it, and click OK.
4. If prompted to enter your customer license name, find the “Licensed To:” information in your documents, enter it, and click OK. IMPORTANT NOTE: EVERYTHING must be EXACT–including using the correct case and spaces OR IT WILL NOT WORK!
5. Please wait–you will be prompted to REMOVE THE FLASHDRIVE. IF you already have it inserted, remove it and click OK.
6. Please wait–you will be prompted to INSERT THE FLASHDRIVE. Insert it, close any windows that open up automatically, then click OK to continue. The process will attempt to locate the FlashDrive.
7. You will be prompted to verify the drive letter of your FlashDrive. If you click NO, you may be given another possibility to select. If no more new drive letters are found, you will be prompted to remove the FlashDrive and then to re-insert it in order to re-detect the FlashDrive. Once you select the drive letter, you may move on to the next step.
8. PLEASE WAIT — If the process can take some time as it downloads the latest updates, downloads Java and Microsoft ODBC driver updates, etc. The time required for this step varies–if you have done it before, it should be faster the next time as the downloads do not need to be done again.
9. You should notice that your FlashDrive is blinking–this is normal, and it may do this for some time. You will be notified with a message when the process is complete.
10. When you receive the completion message, remove the FlashDrive. (It is ready to use to install onto your computer without internet.)
Why do I need to download the latest Windows Updates?
Anytime you call CROSS with a technical problem on a Windows system, we are likely to verify that you have the latest Windows Updates installed. Our CROSS Library Mint system
NOTE: Windows 10 makes updating quite a bit easier and usually automatic, so you do not normally need to worry about it–it just does everything in the background as your system runs. At times any system can get stuck installing updates. We can help get things going again if you run into this issue.
The reason we ask about updates is that software is built like any building–the foundation affects everything above it. Everything above the foundation depends on the foundation to function properly.
We’ve seen numerous issues cleared up because the underlying software begins to function properly after getting the latest updates. If Microsoft or another software vendor has fixed problems and released those updates to you (through Windows Update or through the vendors update process), you need to download and install them or you are simply struggling with problems that have already been fixed.
While we attempt to make our software as stable as possible, it is impossible for us to know or to fix the many underlying problems in all Operating System or in the software on which Library must depend to function properly.
So, the recommended update procedure to follow is to update everything from the lowest level up.
In most cases (where you are using Windows XP through 7):
1. Install the latest Windows Service Pack (found in Windows Updates) and restart when prompted.
2. Install all of the latest Windows Security and Recommended Updates and restart when prompted.
3. Check again for any more Windows Security and Recommended Updates and restart if prompted.
4. Lastly, update our software from the Latest CROSS Library Install Link
5. Then, if you are having a specific problem, try it again to see if it works properly after you have installed these updates.
Windows Updates include any/all applicable Driver Updates, Service Packs, and any other software update that might affect application software.
What Versions of Windows work with CROSS Library?
Library 1.7 works well with the following versions of Windows at this time:
-NEW! (Updated 2019)–ALL 64-bit systems are being supported via our CROSS Library Mint download (BEST)
-ALL systems (any 64-bit Windows, Apple, or Linux that support VirtualBox) using our new 2019 CROSS Library Mint download!! Everything you need is provided on our download site crosslibrary.com/download
-Windows 64-bit (all editions) — If your Windows 10 system is 64-bit, see this post for our recommended installation instructions. We provide the pre-installed environment, and it gets you compatibility with an easy solution.
(The above includes Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, and 10, Windows 2003 Server, and Windows 2008 Server! Unless otherwise noted below, CROSS supports the above download as the best install method at this time.)
-DIRECT INSTALL SUPPORT: Windows 10 32-bit Home, Professional, Enterprise, Education
-LEGACY 32-bit Windows systems –CROSS offers legacy support for 32-bit editions of Vista, XP, Windows 2003 Server, and Windows 2008 Server, HOWEVER, we recommend that you begin to move in the direction of shopping for newer systems as soon as possible. (Note, CROSS Library Mint may be installed onto most Windows Server systems if necessary. Call if you have questions, and we can verify if your system configuration can support it.)
NOTE: CROSS Library runs on ALL 64-bit versions of Windows at this time via our 2019 update to CROSS Library Mint. CROSS Systems, Inc. support personnel are happy to assist you with upgrading CROSS Library Mint onto any system. This process has become easier in recent months, and it is much improved over the LEGACY METHODS of XP Mode and VMWare which we used in past. You may call us at 1-877-615-7230 and press 2 for a recommendation on your specific system. See our Windows Compatibility Details for specifics… We highly recommend purchasing a pre-configured Windows 10 system available from CROSS Systems, Inc. due to the simplicity of this option.
NOTE: If you are purchasing a NEW COMPUTER for use with CROSS Library, consider ‘Windows 10 Home 64-bit’ as a good option at this time. For most systems older than Windows 7, we recommend upgrading to a new computer, if possible.
If you are not sure if the Windows on a computer is 64-bit or not, try doing this to find out:
1. Click on “Computer” on any Vista or Windows 7 system
2. Then click on “System Properties”
3. Look under the “System” section for “System Type” This will indicate if your system is 64-bit or 32-bit.
Click here for our Windows Compatibility Details and how to install onto 64-bit Windows…
Can I list what we have in our library on our website?
Currently, the best way to do this is to print the reports you wish to list on your website using a PDF Printer.
We have included a free PDF Printer in our installers as of July 2012.
Just, print whatever reports you consider best to show your holdings using that printer.
(You can select the printer in Library 1.7 when printing.)
Then, follow the steps of creating the report as a file which you then can post to your website for others to view. You will be prompted to specify a file name for each report. Be sure to specify unique names so that you to not overwrite any other reports.
Eventually, we are planning to have a fully-automated method which you will be able to link to from your website.
This will be announced to all of our customers when it’s ready for use.
How to find a computer compatible with CROSS Library?
CROSS Library Mint is compatible with all new Windows 64-bit systems. We will help you download and install if you already have purchased one of these systems.
THERE ARE NEW CHANGES in late 2019–If you have not yet upgraded, please consider the following option.
BEST FOR 2019 AND BEYOND: If your current system is not new, it might be a good time to consider upgrading to one of our economical CROSS Library Mint Laptops. We provide a range of system options to best fit your processing needs and budget in 2019 and beyond! (These 64-bit systems do not include Windows. While Windows can be useful, we made this choice to reduce overheads in these laptop systems where it is not needed making these laptops very efficient. It also means that you no longer will need to wait for Windows Updates to run in order to use your system. These systems are secure, easy-to-use and administrate, and will serve your needs for a long time in the future providing a good value.) These laptops are based on Linux Mint 19.2 or later. CROSS Library Mint is pre-installed and up-to-date. The systems are all 64-bit allowing you to expand system memory as-needed in the future according to the hardware capability. CROSS Library is configured to your account, automatically loads, and is ready-for-use when you open it. We provide assistance in configuring your printer(s) for use after you receive the laptop.
We are providing the remainder of our compatibility options at the following link:
CROSS Library Compatibility
While we are continuing feature updates, CROSS Library Mint provides what you need today. Click here for details on Windows Compatibility of Library 1.7…
Check out the options below for more possible options. Each solution below offers a good solution depending on your budget, committee recommendations, etc. We will list our recommended options first followed by the less recommended options.
Note: We have updated these suggestions in October 2019 to reflect pricing and compatibility changes in the industry.
–We HIGHLY RECOMMEND that everyone who can do so should consider our Mint Laptops as our BEST SOLUTION in 2019 and beyond. These are efficient and very cost-effective solutions.
Windows 10. If you have 8GB RAM (recommended–4GB minimum) on a fairly new Windows 10 system, we can install CROSS Library Mint and get you up and running quickly. While a good option, it will not run quite as fast as our CROSS Libray Mint Laptop systems due to the overhead of Windows itself. (Please keep in mind that using an older computer with Windows 10 and CROSS Library Mint isn’t usually a good idea–we tend to spend a lot of time making it work, and it might still perform slowly. The system must support VMX and SLAT to perform well! If you are unsure, please call us to verify your system’s capabilities before your decision is in stone.)
The easiest option is to purchase a laptop from us at this link which comes with CROSS Library Mint preinstalled and configured. This is a simple option because we pre-install CROSS Library and configure it for you with the LEAST EFFORT on your part.
2. GOOD: Any new laptop or desktop with Windows 10 and 8GB of RAM (4GB Minimum). The portability of the laptop can be an advantage for installation and updates especially if your library does not have internet access available. We install CROSS Library Mint which provides CROSS Library without compatibility hassles.
3. We can install our CROSS Library Mint provided as our pre-installed environment, and it gets you compatibility with an easy solution.
4. No longer recommended (legacy support only): Windows 10 32-bit or older systems–we continue to install the 32-bit version of CROSS Library and update it for legacy support.
…to transition CROSS Library from your older system to your new Windows 10 64-bit (BEST OPTION)
For CROSS customers who currently have CROSS Library 1.7 installed on an older system (XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 32-bit) version of Windows and need to transition that system into a 64-bit Windows environment, we have a quick and easy way to handle that:
NEW: CROSS Systems, Inc. offers a pre-built environment where you can run CROSS Library. It is a simple fit for your new system, and everything comes ready-to-go. As of January 5, 2019, the download and instructions are found on the main download page.
Use the link above to download, then just call us at 1-877-615-7230 and press 2 when you hear the option for support, and we’ll help you get it installed and running.
- Your CROSS Library Subscription must be current–you can renew it here: crosslibrary.com/renew
- Make sure you have your most-recent backups of your CROSS Library database(s). (Either internet backup or USB memory stick backup is easy to restore on your new system. You can use File/Backup/to Disk or File/Backup/to Internet on your existing system to get the backup made. Call if you have questions or run into trouble, we can almost always help you get a good backup.
That way we can finish it all in a single call making it fast and easy.
What should we do if we have a 64-bit computer?
CROSS Library Mint provides the needed compatibility for any 64-bit Windows system.
NEW as of October 2018: See this post for the BEST option when you are moving to a new computer–CROSS Library Mint download.
AS OF January 2019: Gen 8 and newer processors are dropping support for CSM (Compatibility Support Mode) / Legacy Mode and have dropped long-term compatibility. CROSS Library Mint is the best compatibility solution for ALL NEW SYSTEMS–we are supporting this in all environments.
LEGACY METHOD: Gen 7 Intel processors only: While reinstalling Windows is still available, we are finding it best to install CROSS Library Mint which we are supporting in nearly all environments.
LEGACY: Windows 7 64-bit support, we have had a lot of good results Installing CROSS Library Mint for our existing Windows 7 customers.
If you are upgrading from an existing system with CROSS Library 1.7 installed on it to a new Windows 10 system you purchased, it is best to carry your data over to our new ‘Mint’ system which we can install onto your system using the instructions here. (See this link for details.)