Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions page (FAQ)
We are providing this information to help you find answers to many of the common questions that you might have concerning our CROSS Library software.
Click any topic or question below to see our most current answers and available solutions.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)–how to keep up-to-date with what is going on?
We modified our site layout to display all recent product and service announcements on our main site page in order to keep you up-to-date as best as possible, see our main site page here:
For a summary of CROSS Library updates, see:
Summary of CROSS Library Software Latest Updates
For a complete list of recent CROSS Library updates, see:
All CROSS Library Software Updates
We no longer post to Facebook due primarily to our opinion of their overall lack of good business ethics and accountability in their business practices. Also, while Facebook is a social platform, it doesn’t make sense for us to use it as a business hub. Our modernization goals consider Facebook to have become quite legacy and we may use another platform in the future if we find one to be especially helpful to our customers.
Thank you,
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
Where can I get CROSS Library Mint support?
Right here at our CROSS Library Mint Support page, and by phone. Call us if you have a question or problems with CROSS Library no matter what version–we’re happy to help. We often have to call back, and that’s fine. It helps us keep track of your questions or issues so we can assist you better.
What is your website compatibility support?
Please Note: Due to site updates Internet Explorer 8, 9, and 10 can no longer load our websites Please update your web browser on each system! If you are having trouble ordering, please check your browser version. You may wish to download Google Chrome or Firefox and open this site using one of these. If you are having issues, check Help/About in your browser (this normally checks for browser updates). Please call us if you have further issues, and we can help resolve them.
Microsoft Edge
IE 11 and higher
Various mobile devices (Android, iPhone, etc.)
Silk browser (on tablet devices)
What is the CROSS Library Subscription?
The CROSS Library Subscription is what we previously called the ‘Library 1.7 Technical Support and Updates Policy’.
The basics are summarized below. The reason we made the change of name is that this service now covers more than just updates and support. This will continue to be the case as we continue to develop more services that are hosted on our network of servers. Our goal is to provide services that do much more than you could do yourself at a lower cost point and in a much-easier manner than possible by leveraging the technology we have at our disposal.
The CROSS Library Subscription is available in the following formats at this time:
> 1-Year CROSS Library Subscription
This annual prepaid plan provides the following benefits for one year anytime after your previous subscription has expired:
–Remote Desktop, Phone and Email support as needed.
–Software Updates, (as they are released) of new CROSS Library features and improvements. Note: These updates are only available under the CROSS Library Subscription and are downloadable via the internet. You are notified about these updates through our CROSS Library 1.7 Helper icon in your system tray (down by the date/time display on the desktop).
–Cloud Backup of Library 1.7 database to CROSS servers using our managed backup service providing support for up to 9 levels of backup for EACH database you have. Note: This feature is ONLY available under a valid CROSS Library Subscription (using File/Backup/to Internet… and File/Restore/from Internet… menu options as well as automatic backup prompts if your specific configuration is configured to prompt for backup upon database close)
> 2-Year CROSS Library Subscription
You may purchase this subscription to
…features are same as listed above with longer term at a better value
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
What kind of labels and catalog cards should I buy for Library 1.7 and where do I buy them?
Please see Supplies on the Info & Specs page for a description of the labels and catalog card stock used by Library 1.7. We carry these supplies as a service to our users (See our Supplies available on our Online Store for our detailed list of product specifications and prices).
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
How do I Download Library 1.7 to a FlashDrive?
Q: How do I download Library 1.7 to a FlashDrive?
A: This technique is no longer supported by CROSS Systems, Inc. in favor of other improved install and support options available in a 64-bit always-connected world such as:
1. Remote desktop support
2. CROSS Library Mint download installed and configured to run best on your specific hardware by qualified CROSS support personnel
3. Ability to provide on-going support for both CROSS Library Mint and your host Operating System under the CROSS Library Subscription
4. Cloud-based backup / restore / data synchronization features
EXPERIENCE STRONGLY INDICATES THAT OUR CUSTOMERS WITH THE BEST EXPERIENCE HAVE INTERNET ACCESS: CROSS Systems, Inc. STRONGLY recommends that you have internet on any computer where you will be using CROSS Library software. Internet access is required for some features of CROSS Library products, and this will continue to be the case for MOST IF NOT ALL NEW FEATURES in our software. While this is the case, we recognize the need to use the basic functions of Library 1.7 on computers that do not currently have internet. Please consider moving your system temporarily to an internet connection in this type of situation for any needed functions including but not limited to:
1. installation
2. cloud backup
3. remote desktop support
4. CROSS Library software and Mint updates
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
Why do I need to download the latest Windows Updates? (Legacy Direct Install Method)
Anytime you call CROSS with a technical problem, we are very likely to ask if you have installed all of the latest Windows Service Packs, Windows Updates, and any other software update that might affect our software.
The reason we ask this is that software is built like any building–the foundation affects everything above it. Everything above the foundation depends on the foundation to function properly.
We’ve seen numerous issues cleared up because the underlying software begins to function properly after getting the latest updates. If Microsoft or another software vendor has fixed problems and released those updates to you (through Windows Update or through the vendors update process), you need to download and install them or you are simply struggling with problems that have already been fixed.
While we attempt to make our software as stable as possible, it is impossible for us to know or to fix the many underlying problems in all Operating System or in the software on which Library must depend to function properly.
So, the recommended update procedure to follow is to update everything from the lowest level up.
In most cases (where you are using Windows):
1. Install the latest Windows Service Pack (found in Windows Updates) and restart when prompted.
2. Install all of the latest Windows Security and Recommended Updates and restart when prompted.
3. Check again for any more Windows Security and Recommended Updates and restart if prompted.
4. Lastly, update our software from the Latest CROSS Library Install Link
5. Then, if you are having a specific problem, try it again to see if it works properly after you have installed these updates.
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
How can I configure a default database for (auto-open)?
If you would like to have Library 1.7 auto-open your file each time Library 1.7 opens, follow these instructions:
a. Right-click on the Library 1.7 Helper icon (the cube-like icon down by the clock) and select Open Library 1.7.
b. When the software is open and no hourglass is showing, Click ‘File/Open (existing Library)’ on the menu bar.
c. Dbl-click on your Library database file in the list.
d. Click ‘Help/Web Links/Use this as the default database’ starting at the Help menu on the menu bar. This selects the open database as the default database.
e. You may test your selection by closing out of Library 1.7, right-clicking the Library 1.7 Helper icon (the cube-like icon down in the system-tray by the clock) and selecting Open Library 1.7 (auto-open default database).
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
How can I configure Library 1.7 to not launch at startup? (Legacy Direct Install Method)
NOTE: CROSS Systems, Inc. will normally DISABLE the startup of CROSS Library in Windows 7 through 10 due to the fact that Windows Security has been upgraded to disallow the permissions required for CROSS Library to correctly manage the backup process correctly. We will normally place a shortcut on your desktop to launch CROSS Library with the required permissions.
IF YOU PREFER LIBRARY 1.7 TO NOT AUTO-LAUNCH AT STARTUP, you may disable Library 1.7 from launching at startup by doing the following:
a. Right-click on the Library 1.7 Helper icon (the cube-like icon down in the system-tray by the clock)
b. Select the Admin menu
c. Then, select ‘Disable auto-launch of Library 1.7 at startup’
d. You will see a message stating that you have disabled the auto-launch setting. This message confirms that the next time you log into Windows, Library 1.7 will not launch automatically.
NOTE: The Library 1.7 Helper cube-like icon will still be down in the system-tray down by the clock. You may always launch Library 1.7 by right-clicking that icon and selecting one of the ‘Open Library 1.7’ options.
If you ever change your mind, you may re-enable the option in the Admin menu by clicking the option ‘Enable auto-launch of Library 1.7 at startup’.
If you have Windows 7-10, you may be looking for this startup configuration…
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
Windows 7-10 startup entry special considerations…
2019: CROSS Library Mint is our latest download at crosslibrary.com/download and eliminates issues with startup in our latest version. Since most new systems are 64-bit, this version is installed by default eliminating the issue for new installs.
2018 (and earlier or WINDOWS 32-bit Direct Install):
SPECIAL NOTE (Windows 7-10 compatibility): When recent editions of Windows launch the current version of CROSS Library, they no longer provide the required authority for CROSS Library to do everything it needs to do. You can work around this temporarily by (temporarily disabling the ‘CROSS Library’ startup entry to resolve problems due to lack of necessary permissions):
- Disabling the ‘CROSS Library’ startup in Task Manager.
- Right-click the TaskBar
- Select ‘Task Manager’ (and click on ‘More Details’ if the tabs are not displaying)
- Click on the Startup tab
- Right-Click on ‘CROSS Library’ and select ‘Disable’
- Then, copy the ‘books shortcut’ found under the ‘CROSS Applications’ apps folder and paste it onto your desktop to launch CROSS Library.
- After Windows startup, use this shortcut to start CROSS Library, and you will need to allow the prompt for the required permissions–everything else should just work as designed.
- Disabling the ‘CROSS Library’ startup by:
- Click on the ‘Windows Start button’
- Type “msconfig”, press enter, and open it
- Locate and Click on the ‘Startup’ tab
- Uncheck the entry for ‘CROSS Library’ and click Apply
- Click OK to exit (you can select ‘Restart Later’ if prompted)
- Then, copy the ‘books shortcut’ found under the ‘CROSS Applications’ apps folder and paste it onto your desktop to launch CROSS Library.
- After Windows startup, use this shortcut to start CROSS Library, and you will need to allow the prompt for the required permissions–everything else should just work as designed.
I cannot open my database. What should I do?
First, call CROSS Systems, Inc. (press 2 for support), you will be asked to run the CROSS Remote Assistance so we can connect and help you resolve the situation. We have a good track record of helping customers rebuild or recover their databases, and we are always happy to help.
If you are comfortable with resolving the situation yourself, you may proceed with the instructions below.
If you see a cube-like icon titled ‘CROSS Library Helper’ in your system tray (down in the lower right-hand corner of your desktop where the time is shown), you may use these instructions to rebuild your database. Note: The cube is a ‘notification icon’ and may be hidden by Windows at times. It is normally found in the lower-right corner of your desktop among the icons in the ‘system tray’ or ‘notification area’. You may need to click on arrows near the date/time to get the icon to display.
1. Open Library 1.7 using the ‘CROSS Library Helper’ system tray icon (It looks like a little cube and is found down in the lower-right hand corner of your screen near where the time is
displayed). (To open, right-click that icon, and click the 2nd entry ‘Open Library 1.7’)
2. Then, when it has opened and you see the welcome screen, select the ‘File/Rebuild and Compress’ option, select your database, and click the OK button. This will repair the database.
3. When the rebuild process is complete, the software will notify you. Note: It may take only a few seconds or up to a minute or two depending on how many records are stored in your database.
4. Close out of the program using the File/Exit option, then re-open Library 1.7 using the steps below which allow Library 1.7 to automatically open your default database.
a. Right-click the ‘CROSS Library Helper’ system tray icon (It looks like a little cube and is found down in the lower-right hand corner of your screen near where the time is displayed).
b. Select the 1st entry ‘Open Library 1.7 (auto-open default database)’ (This should automatically open the program AND your default file.)
If Library 1.7 opens your database automatically and things appear to be ok, you are finished with these instructions.
NOTE: In the case where you receive a message that says that ‘You have not defined a default database.’, you can specify a default by following the steps below:
a. Click OK. The program should still open.
b. If it does not open, right-click the CROSS Library Helper icon and select the 2nd entry ‘Open Library 1.7’.
c. Then, open your database using ‘File/Open Existing Library 1.7 Database’, selecting your file, and clicking OK.
d. Then, to specify the open database file as your default database, click on the Help menu, then select the Web-Links sub-menu, and click on ‘Use this as the default database.’
CROSS Systems, Inc. recommends that you use the ‘File/Backup .L17 File/to Internet’ option to safe-guard your databases. If you have recently experienced trouble with your database(s), please do this now to ensure that you have a backup copy of your database(s) on our servers in case of any further trouble.
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
What is the best way to backup my Library 1.7 database(s)?
You can backup your Library 1.7 databases several ways. However, CROSS Systems, Inc. recommends that you use our Internet Backup functions for many reasons.
The steps to use our Internet Backup system are shown below, followed by the steps to backup to disk (or flashdrive, etc.).
1. If the Save button is available, click it to save your changes for the current record.
2a. IF YOU USE ONLY A SINGLE DATABASE: Dbl-click on the little ‘Books’ icon in your system tray (notification area) This opens a new session and works best.
2b. IF YOU USE MULTIPLE DATABASES: Right-click on the little ‘Books’ icon in your system tray and select the 2ND Menu Item ‘Open CROSS Library (no auto-open)’
3. (optional step) If you see a Sign On screen, you may need to enter a user id and password that has at least the ability to ‘Edit’ information in this Library 1.7 database. (Any non-viewer user id should be fine.)
4. (optional step) If your database automatically signs you into the database with Viewer mode (restricted mode), you wil need to use the menu option ‘File/Switch User’ to login with a user account with authority to make a backup.
5. Click the menu entry ‘File/Backup .L17 File/to Internet…’
6. (optional step) If your database is not currently open, you will be allowed to choose the database to backup now.
7. (optional step) If your database is open, you will see a prompt asking if you wish to backup now. Click Yes.
8. Wait for the backup to complete. You will see messages as the process works through all of the steps automatically. Wait for the SUCCESSFUL CONFIRMATION message.
9. If your database was open when you started the backup, it will be re-opened when the backup and rebuild process is complete.
If you prefer to backup your databases to disk or flashdrive, see the next topic for instructions.
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
How do I backup a L17 database to a disk or flashdrive?
CROSS Library Mint has a desktop icon to copy your .L17 files to a shared folder on your Windows 10 system. That folder is at this location: C:\CROSS_Library_Reports. Dbl-click that icon, then you may copy the files found in that folder to your flashdrive to keep a local backup copy.
NOTE: We provide these Disk Backup steps so that you can make a backup copy of your data which you can hold locally and which can be restored using the Library 1.7 menu option ‘File/Restore .L17 File/from Disk’
HOWEVER, we STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you RATHER use the Internet Backup steps listed at: How to Make an Internet Backup of my Database
(Note 2: The Internet Backup process captures a snapshot of your database BEFORE rebuilding it or modifying it in any way. The ‘Backup to Diskette’ process rebuilds your database FIRST, then captures it into a backup image. Therefore, the ‘Internet Backup’ entails LESS RISK for data loss–by design. Because of this fact, we recommend that you use the ‘Internet Backup’ BEFORE doing a DISK backup giving you that extra layer of safety.)
1. If the Save button is available, click it to save your changes for the current record.
2. Click the X in the upper-right handle corner, or click File/Exit. (Note: It is currently important to exit the program and go back into it (steps 2 – 7). This works around a known problem on many systems.)
3. Wait for the program to exit. If prompted to make a backup, click NO.
4. Right-click the ‘CROSS Library Helper’ tray icon (the little cube)
5. Select the top entry and wait for it to open your database.
6. (optional step) If you see a Sign On screen, you may need to enter a user id and password that has at least the ability to ‘Edit’ information in this Library 1.7 database. (Any non-viewer user id should be fine.)
7. (optional step) If your database automatically signs you into the database with Viewer mode (restricted mode), you wil need to use the menu option ‘File/Switch User’ to login with a user account with authority to make a backup.
8. Click the menu entry ‘File/Backup .L17 File/to Diskette…’
9. (optional step) If your database is not currently open, you will be allowed to choose the database to backup now.
10. (optional step) If your database is open, you will see a prompt asking if you wish to backup now. Click Yes.
11. You should see a blank ‘Backup Status’ screen and an hourglass while your database is being rebuilt in preparation for the backup.
12. The next prompt is requesting the DESTINATION for the backup. You will need to know the letter where your flashdrive or diskette is mounted. You may click the Browse button and select the drive letter or folder where you wish to place the backup, then click OK. (The desired location will be placed in the ‘Path’ field. When it looks good, click OK to proceed with the backup process.)
13. You may be prompted to remove your media at some point. Follow all of the prompts.
14. If your database was open when you started the backup, it will be re-opened when the backup and rebuild process is complete.
If you prefer to backup your databases to our Internet Servers, see the topic above this one for instructions: (A valid CROSS Library Subscription is required.)
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
I am having problems with backup. How can I fix them?
2019-10-08: FIRST, if you have been experiencing difficulty since May 2019, we can update you to CROSS Library Mint if you have a 64-bit Windows 10 system. If your system is older, consider upgrading to one of our CROSS Library Mint laptops which run 64-bit Ubuntu Mint and run CROSS Library without Windows. BOTH CROSS Library Mint versions since support our new cloud backup system since August 5th. If your version is PRIOR to August 5th, 2019, call for an update.
ALSO, we are continuing to work on an update for Windows 32-bit customers. We expect it to be available for download soon.
In previous releases of CROSS Library, you may experience trouble when backing up your database. These issues are causes by the printing functions in the current versions of the software.
RESOLVED! If your CROSS Library Subscription is up-to-date, update to the latest software by installing from our download page, this is resolved in our latest release. With this update, you are prompted ONLY IF this situation will impact your ability to use the requested function and provided with the specific instructions necessary to re-open CROSS Library and redo your request. We now also provide specific Backup recommendations as you close CROSS Library which take the present condition of the system into consideration. This new prompt lets you know when it’s a recommended time to make a backup.
If you are having backup problems and need to work around them, using this ONE-TIME CHANGE and the suggested REGULAR BACKUP PROCEDURE below will help you to avoid the problems in most cases.
1. Open Library 1.7, open your database, and optionally sign in as your administrative user (required only if you have setup security on your database).
2. Click on Help/About Library 1.7…
3. At the bottom of that window is a “Command Line” field. Add to whatever might be in there the following exactly:
4. Click the OK button on that window. Click the X in the upper-right-hand corner of the window to close out of Library 1.7. You SHOULD NOT get the backup prompt!
5. This will allow the software to exit completely unloading all of of the CROSS Library software WITHOUT ATTEMPTING to do a backup.
1. Close out of Library 1.7
2. Re-open Library 1.7 (right-click the ‘CROSS Library Helper’ icon in the system-tray) and select the top-most menu entry to open Library 1.7 and your database.
3. Click ‘File/Backup .L17 File/to Internet’ and follow the normal backup prompts as they appear.
–At times, the backup process will report an error indicating that it could not copy a file. This is an erroneous error message. In the current version of CROSS Library, you may simply click OK to continue. The rebuilding process will rebuild the database a second time in most cases to ensure that the database is clean. This occurs because our system detected the error and recovers from it automatically. Our next update to CROSS Library will resolve this issue.
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
Can I list what we have in our library on our website?
CHANGE COMING SOON in mid-2019: Our new web-search function is on its way to allow for this feature. We will update this post and also announce when it is ready on our crosslibrary.com/news page.
Currently, the best way to do this is to use the free printer driver included with the CROSS Library installer to print any report(s) to an Adobe .PDF file.
Print whatever reports you think are the best to show your holdings using that printer.
(You select the printer in Library 1.7 when printing.)
When printing each report, you will be guided through the steps to create the report as a file which you then can post to your website for others to view.
We are working on a fully-automated method which you will be able to link to from your website.
This will be announced to all of our customers when it’s ready to use.
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
Data Download from the Library of Congress…
While Library 1.7 does not currently download directly from the Library of Congress, you can search the Library of Congress using the following steps:
(Note: We have a project scheduled to integrate download from the Library of Congress directly into our software. When it is released, we will announce it as an update.)
Here are instructions to copy the Dewey Decimal Classification number, subjects, and other data
directly off the Internet from the Library of Congress site:
a. Go to the “Z39.50 Gateway to Library Catalogs” on the web site of the Library of Congress
b. Then click on the Simple Search (any keyword) link and find the record (book) you want by
entering a search term.
c. Click on “More on this record” to see all the fields.
Note: If you take too much time on one record on the Library of Congress site, you will get
a time-out or message such as “Your session has expired. Please reinitialize.” To avoid
this, we recommend the following instructions instead of copying and pasting directly to
Library 1.7:
a. Select (highlight) the complete record (right-click & Select All).
b. Then copy it (right-click & Copy or “Ctrl C”).
c. Now paste it into a Word document (right-click and Paste or “Ctrl V”).
d. Repeat the steps above to copy all the records you need. You can alternate between the site
and Word by holding down your Alt key and then pressing your Tab key.
e. Get off the Library of Congress site.
Note: If Library 1.7 is on a computer not connected to the Internet, you can save the
data to a floppy disk and then later transfer it to Library 1.7 as explained below.
f. With Library 1.7 in add or edit mode, transfer the data, field by field, from the Word
document into the proper Library 1.7 fields by selecting (highlighting) the data you want
and using Copy and Paste. Remember to alternate between the programs by using the
Alt and Tab keys.
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
Known Issues… (status on reported issues):
Welcome to our Known Issues topic.
The purpose of this topic is to let you know that we know about these specific issues in CROSS Library software and that you know the current status.
As we finalize each specific issue listed here, we will update the post with the resolution steps taken by CROSS and MOVE that post to our Troubleshooting topic along with a note to let you know that you can resolve the specific issue by just updating using our Latest CROSS Library Install Link. (Any additional required steps will be detailed in each post.) That way you can find the final solution to any specific issue listed here over in Troubleshooting as these issues are resolved.
So, to summarize, you can expect the issues listed here to change over time and eventually to move to the Troubleshooting thread.
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
1. Why End Now when turning off or restarting?
Q: Why does my computer prompt me to “End Now” on C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe when I shutdown or restart my computer? (This only started happening after I downloaded one of the recent updates to Library 1.7.)
A: As we upgraded to Windows Vista, this behavior was part of the “baggage.” (This issue started to affect our customers around December 2007 or January 2008.) Since it was merely an annoyance issue and didn’t cause serious problems, we prioritized other issues over it for a number of months. The issue has been solved in the latest updates as of 9/2/2008 and later. While the “End Now” message MIGHT STILL APPEAR, it will now close automatically in a few seconds.
STATUS: This issue has been solved and closed.
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
2. Internet Restore Problem…
Q: Why does Internet Restore give a weird field for the Machine Name field?
A: There is a known problem with that field–it has something to do with a Java issue we are working on.
Also, if you have not noticed, you might not be able to select the first machine name listed in that field. That was a bug in our code.
(STATUS: This issue is fixed in the latest update. The original issue in the question above is still open, and while it works, it does look weird because the first drop-down field does not show the drop-down arrow.)
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
3. Multi-user problem–server-connect error
Q: I am seeing an error message that says that the system cannot locate or connect to the server. What is this?
A: This is a left-over from the conversion to Vista. We are working on the solution, and we will announce it as an update when it is available. We have worked with a number of customers who are currently operating in single-user mode for the time-being while we get this resolved. The situation is due to a networking issue that came up due to the system-wide changes that were required to make the software move to Vista correctly. The issue is currently requiring a technical re-design of some of the core function of Library 1.7. Once finished, it will reduce Library 1.7’s use of Windows Network Drives and Network Shares. This is a good thing and will be followed by another update to totally eliminate the use of Windows File Sharing which will help make it possible to easily operate over the internet in a multi-user configuration essentially getting our software out of the ‘Microsoft network box.’ (Library 1.7 will still require Windows to operate, but the networking aspect of the software will not be constrained to the local Windows network.)
Right-click on the “Library 1.7 Helper” icon, select Admin, select Advanced, select “Configure Library 1.7 Single-User / Multi-User (Network)”, then click on the Single-User tab and click on the button that says “Click here to Configure this PC for use in Single-User mode.” CROSS will announce an update to fix the core problem as soon as it’s ready. That update announcement be made via the auto-updates function and will also appear on the Updates topic on these forums.
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
4. RESOLVED: 64-bit support? (Supported Windows Versions)
As of October 2018, we provide Windows 64-bit support (see details here)
NOTE: CROSS Library 1.7 software is currently supported via DIRECT INSTALL on computers with Windows XP 32-bit, Vista 32-bit, Windows 8 32-bit, Windows 8.1 32-bit, Windows 7 32-bit, Windows 10 32-bit. For more details, please see our compatibility page at this link
CROSS Library 1.7 software will not run if you attempt to use it with any earlier versions of Windows!
CROSS software works on all 64-bit Windows laptop and desktop systems via our CROSS LIBRARY VM install method. CROSS Support will assist with your install and ensure that it’s running correctly.
If you are not sure if the Windows version on a computer is 64-bit or not, try doing this to find out:
1. If Windows Vista or Windows 7, click on “Computer”, then click on “System Properties”
If Windows 10, click on the Start logo, then select Settings and click System and select About.
2. Look under the “System” section for “System Type” This will indicate if your system is 64-bit or 32-bit.
NOTE: Netbooks and Stick computers running Windows 10 32-bit are also a workable choice for running CROSS Library 1.7.
We also offer Windows 10 systems for sale here on our site. We pre-install our CROSS Library VM and configure it for your account so it is ready for you to just use it. That is an easy choice!
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
5. Download to CD or FlashDrive problem…
If you have been having trouble where you cannot download to a FlashDrive or to a CD, we have found and corrected the problem.
Solution: Download the latest update and try it again. It works now.
This issue has been solved and closed.
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
6. Download to CD or FlashDrive Does Not Work…
Downloading to CD and FlashDrive are not currently available due to changes required by Windows Vista. These functions were broken as CROSS addressed Vista-related issues in previous releases.
Solution: CROSS has updates designed to re-enable this feature slated for the next update release.
This issue remains open.
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
Data Entry (How to enter copies, volumes, etc.)
Note: There are several questions and answers under this topic.
Please take a minute to scan this topic for answers to many types of data entry questions.
Q: When entering the data from our original accession book, I used 1-25 rather than 101-125 as our records reflect. How can I go back and change the accession #s?
A: In the Accession # field, you would highlight the present accession # and then type in the new accession #. This action would delete the old number and replace it with the new number. Of course, you cannot replace it with a number that is already being used in the database. Also, remember that when you go to add a new record, the program will suggest a number that is one higher than the highest number previously used.
Q: I like that the call letters are entered automatically but I prefer lower case for the author’s name and upper case for the call letters on the spine labels and the cards. Can I reset the default for the call letters to capitals?
A: Note: We have included a default setting to allow you to choose whether you wish to make this field ALL CAPS or not as of November 13, 2002 which is part of the January 2003 update (see Latest Library 1.7 Update Features). You may get the update by renewing your CROSS Library subscription (if it is expired), and downloading our latest update.
For those who do not yet have this update: You can always override the call letters by selecting and re-typing them.
Q: How do you show multiples or copies of books?
A: Before making a copy, enter all the data for the book, video, etc. into a record.
Put C1 (for copy 1) at the end of the title.
Since the Collation field prints out on all of the catalog cards, you may wish to enter the total number of copies (i.e. “3 copies”) into the Collation field.
Click the Copy button.
All the data will be copied into a new record and a new Accession # will be assigned.
Change the C1 in the new record to C2 (for copy 2).
You may also wish to change specific information about the individual copies in some fields like Cost/Value (if a different price was paid) and Collation (i.e. bad cover, etc.).
Click the Save button.
Locate the first copy again and contine this process for as many copies as you have.
Q: Is there a place to record the number of copies of sheet music? For example, our choir has 10 copies of one piece, 25 of another, etc.
A: Library 1.7 does not have a separate field for copies, but there are several places to keep that data. You can place it in the Collation field (which prints on the catalog cards if you are using them), or in the Comments field (you would make your own header such as: COPIES: 10), or if you wish to have the data easily seen, you can enter it in an unused field such as the LCCN field. If you are going to individually check out the music sheets, you would need to enter a record for each sheet (place C1 after the Title and then click the Copy button, change C1 to C2 and click the Copy button again, etc.).
Q: How can I make an entry for volumes without duplicating cards?
A: If you are going to check out individual volumes, you have to do it the same as in the answer to the previous question. You would have to make a record for each volume and then enter the volume number (ie. V2 for Volume 2).
Q: I want to have the status of the copy and volume printed on the spine label. Where should I enter it to get that result?
A: There are two fields that are reflected on the spine label (Classification and Call Letters). You could enter that information after the Classification (i.e. in the case of a Dewey Decimal classification it would look something like this: “332.024 C2V3” for Copy 2 Volume 3).
Q: We have previously used “VC” or “CT” as part of our accession number. How do we do that in Library 1.7? Also, where should we enter the age length of time for videos?
A: The Accession number can only accept a numeric. You might consider using the VC or CT in the Classification field after the Dewey Decimal number, since it is reflected on the spine label. You could keep the age and length of the video in the Collation field which prints on the catalog cards. Click the Comments button to enter Collation data.
Q: When it’s one of a series, do you have any suggestions how to enter them?
A: You can indicate that at the end of the title also or possibly in the collation field.
Q: Can the title field accommodate sub-titles (as in a videotape series with each tape in the series having individual titles and the series having an overall title)?
A: Yes, if you keep the data as brief as possible, you can combine both in the Title field (i.e. Title: Subtitle). It might look something like this: “Beautiful Birds of North America: The Cardinal.” You can enter up to 60 characters in the Title field.
Q: How can I make any cross-references? For instance, someone would look for the word, EPHESIANS. This cross-reference would direct the person to look under BIBLE. N.T. EPHESIANS. Or, Simon Peter. See Peter, Apostle.
A: You can enter the reference in parentheses after the subject: Simon (Peter, Apostle). In the Sample file you will see some examples like this such as: Money (Economics, Finances, Investments).
Q: I am using the “Key Words/Phrases” area to record added entries such as joint author or keyword title. This seems to be one of the intended uses of that function, since the terms are then searchable.
A: Yes, the other field that you can use and which is searchable is Comments. In that case, you should consistenly use a header in each record (i.e. JOINT AUTHOR: Hunt, David).
Q: How many subject headings can I assign to each item that I catalog?
A: Library 1.7 has two subjects but there are “workarounds” to list and print an unlimited number of subjects.
For online use, you can put as many subjects as you like into the Comments field for search purposes. You should use an identifier with the subjects (i.e. SUBJECTS: Singing, SUBJECTS: Prayer, Etc…) which would allow you to easily map them into an Unlimited Subjects field in a future upgrade. Just make sure that the identifiers (i.e. SUBJECTS: ) are consistently used (i.e. not SUBJECTS: in one record and SUBJ: in another).
Presently, if you want to print catalog cards for more than two subjects, you would need to change the subjects and then print them, change the subjects again and print them, etc. If you enter all the subjects in the Comments field as mentioned above, you could then start with the last two and end up with the Primary and Secondary subjects in Subject1 and Subject2.
Q: Is there a shortcut to add a new subject heading?
A: You can press “Ctrl S” anytime (see Work With under File) and then press the “A” key.
Q: How can I get the data from the Internet for a book record (Author, Title, Publisher, Dewey Decimal Number, ISBN, etc.)?
A: Click on Z39.50 Gateway to Library Catalogs on the Library of Congress web site.
Click on the Simple Search (any keyword) link and find the record (book) you want by entering a search term.
Click on “More on this record” to see all the fields.
If you take too much time on one record on the Library of Congress site, you will get a time-out or message such as “Your session has expired. Please reinitialize.” To avoid this, we recommend the following instructions instead of copying and pasting directly to Library 1.7:
Select (highlight) the complete record (right-click & Select All).
Then copy it (right-click & Copy or “Ctrl C”).
Now paste it into a Word document (right-click and Paste or “Ctrl V”).
Repeat the steps above to copy all the records you need.
You can alternate between the site and Word by holding down your Alt key and then pressing your Tab key.
Get off the Library of Congress site.
If Library 1.7 is on a computer not connected to the Internet, you can save the data to a floppy disk and then later transfer it to Library 1.7 as explained below.
With Library 1.7 in add or edit mode, transfer the data, field by field, from the Word document into the proper Library 1.7 fields by selecting (highlighting) the data you want and using Copy and Paste.
Remember to alternate between the programs by using the Alt and Tab keys.
Note: The following has been recommended as an excellent site from which to get data:
Click on Champion Forest Baptist Church Library Webrary
Q: How do I delete entries in the drop-down lists for the fields such as Author, Publisher, Subject, etc.? I have some that are mistyped and would like to eliminate them from the list that is displayed when I call them up.
A1: These fields using the drop-down lists appear to be the same, but there are some differences. For Author, Title, and Classification:
Auto-fill fields such as Author, Title, and Classification are handled one way–the system automatically builds these lists when you open your database file. So, you do not need to concern yourself with these lists–just correct any records with the incorrect data, and when you re-open Library 1.7, the list will be rebuilt correctly. (Note: Until you close the program, the list may retain incorrect entries.) Note: You can enable or disable drop-down lists for the Author, Title, and Classification fields in the ‘File/Assign User IDs and Passwords’ screen when creating User Accounts. By default, Author is a drop-down and Title is not. If you have a need to change this setting, you can call us for assistance.
A2: Publisher, Media Types, and Subjects work differently. The answer for those are as follows:
To delete the mistyped entries in these fields, please follow these instructions:
1. Make sure that the mistyped entries are not selected in any records (to do this, use Find and select the correct entry for each or use Combine as explained in the answer to the next question below).
2. The Publisher, Media Type, and Subject fields will still list non-selected mistyped entries in the drop-down list.
3. To delete those, click on File and then ‘Cleanup Unused AutoFill Entries.’
4. Then select which field (or fields) you want to cleanup. Note: If they are still in-use on even one record, they will not be removed from your drop-down lists.
Q: I have quite a few cases where a Subject is spelled differently. How can I fix these so that I do not have more than one in the list?
A: If your data includes multiple spellings of the same Publishers, Subjects, or Media Types, you may combine them into one by using our free “Combine” utility as described in the next topic below.
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
How can I fix or remove mispellings in my dropdown lists?
CROSS Systems, Inc. provides a utility that you can use to help you maintain your drop-down lists.
This app is called ‘Combine Utility’ and normally installed on your apps menu under the ‘CROSS Library 1.7’ folder.
-It allows you to combine one or more subjects into a single subject.
Any entries selected in the left list are combined into the single entry selected in the list on the right side of the screen.
This utility can be used to resolve situations where there are mispellings in drop-down lists, unused entries in the lists that you wish to selectively eliminate, or when there are duplicates in the lists. This utility allows you to combine list entries very easily.
This utility is automatically installed with the CROSS Library installer.
If the ‘Books’ icon / admin / Combine Subjects, Publishers, and Media Types’ does not open with the latest CROSS Library update on your system, you may install this utility using the installer found at this link: http://www.crosslibrary.com/combine
Once installed, please follow the instructions below to safe-guard your data!
Be sure to make a backup as described below in case you make a mistake using this Combine utility. All changes are permanent and can be wide-sweeping. This utility is very powerful and you can make a mistake very quickly.
To best use the combine utility:
1. FIRST, open CROSS Library and make a backup copy of your databases using ‘File / Backup .L17 File / to Internet…’ BEFORE using the utility so you can restore to this backup copy in case you make a mistake using the combine utility. (Combine makes wide-sweeping changes to your database, and while you do receive confirmation prompts while working, if you make a mistake, you will need to restore your database.)
2. Then, you may use the utility in our latest version by right-clicking the little ‘Books icon’ in the notification area and selecting the ‘Admin / Combine Subjects, Publishers, Media Types…’ menu entry.
3. To operate it, select all the names you wish to combine on the left by clicking on the first entry. (To select multiple entries, hold down the Ctrl key while using our mouse to click on each additional entry.
4. Then select the name on the right into which you wish to combine the selected entries.
5. Click the ‘Combine’ button to review your selection and confirm. (All of the entries on the left will be removed (ie. combined into) the item on the right (which will remain).) All items in the database that currently refer to the items selected on the left will be updated to refer to the single tracing selected in the right-hand list.
Note: If you need to correct the spelling of the remaining item, you can do so in CROSS Library by using ‘Find’ to locate an item with that tracing, then right-click the w icon to the right of the entry and select Edit. You may correct the spelling of the entry. Please note the cautions relating to ‘not changing the meaning of the entry’.
Important note: This utility does not have adequate security to limit access to your database, so we do not recommend leaving this utility installed on a system where anyone has unrestricted access.
CROSS intends to replace this utility with a more secure version as soon as possible. In the meantime, you may wish to uninstall this utility from your system after you have completed your changes (to prevent others from doing harm to your database). If desired, you may uninstall the utility from ‘Control Panel/Programs and Features’ or ‘Control Panel/Add or Remove Programs’ in Windows. If you have CROSS Library Mint and need to remove it, call. We’re happy to do so for you, if needed.
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
Original Q/As from our oldest FAQ site (updates in-progress…please be patient as we update this information)
Where can I get a list of Dewey Decimal Classification numbers?
Check out the many Internet sites such as this listing of the Dewey Decimal Classification System.
Is there an easy way for me to get the data from the Internet for a book record (Author, Title, Publisher, Dewey Decimal Number, ISBN, etc.)?
Yes. You can quickly copy the Dewey Decimal Classification number, subjects, and other data directly off the Internet from the Library of Congress site. Just go to the Z39.50 Gateway to Library Catalogs on the web site of the Library of Congress then click on the Simple Search (any keyword) link and find the record (book) you want by entering a search term. Click on “More on this record” to see all the fields.
If you take too much time on one record on the Library of Congress site, you will get a time-out or message such as “Your session has expired. Please reinitialize.” To avoid this, we recommend copying the data to Notepad and then later into Library 1.7 using these steps:
– Select (highlight) the complete record (right-click & Select All).
– Then copy it (right-click & Copy or “Ctrl C”).
– Now paste it into Notepad (right-click and Paste or “Ctrl V”).
– Repeat the steps above to copy all the records you need (alternate between the site and Notepad by holding down your Alt key and then pressing your Tab key).
– Now get off the Library of Congress site.
– With Library 1.7 in add or edit mode, transfer the data you want, field by field, from Notepad into the proper Library 1.7 fields by selecting (highlighting) the data you want and using Copy and Paste.
– Remember to alternate between the programs by using the Alt and Tab keys.
Keep in mind that the data entry process speeds up as you add data because of the drop-down lists in Library 1.7 (i.e. once you have added an author, the next time when you add a record with that same author you just start to type the author’s name and it pops up–you then just tab to the next field).
I’m a bit confused. I noticed a utility for creating cards for a card catalog. I was under the impression that this was a computerized catalog.
Originally this program was developed as an online catalog. Later, the capability to print catalog cards was also added. Library 1.7 does either one or both.
My child’s school is looking to have their modest collection moved from card catalog to OPAC. Will Library 1.7 work without putting it out on the WWW?
If I have three terminals, would I then need to input the data on all three, or can they be somehow networked?
NOTE: CROSS currently does not support networked terminals for new installs of our existing software due to variations in many networks. We are developing new web interfaces to support these functions.
If your computers are not presently networked, you would need to do that. Then, you would need to purchase three Library 1.7 multi-user licenses ($100 each = $300). The three computers would be sharing one file.
Do the catalog card sheets that you sell for a Laser/Inkjet printer have a bottom center hole in them for the catalog drawer alignment rod?
Yes. The continuous catalog cards for Dot Matrix printers have them also. (See Order Form for a detailed list and prices).
Could you please explain the check out/in process in the program?
To check out, you first find the record of the item to be checked out, then click on check out (or press the “F6” key). A window comes up with today’s date automatically entered and you enter the person’s name or number.
To check in, you again find the record and then click on check in (or press the “F5” key).
Note: Library 1.7 has a 40 character field into which you may enter the name and other information of the person checking out the item. If you are using the program as an online viewer and want to maintain confidentially (as to who has checked out items, etc.), you can enter a number that refers to a patron’s data (name, address, phone #, etc.) either in another database, since Library 1.7 does not maintain a patron database, or on a paper list.
We have many of our older books on a spread- sheet. We would like to bulk load them into Library 1.7. If we can arrange the information into a certain order similar to your requirements and fill in missing fields, can we bulk-load from the spreadsheet?
Library 1.7 does not have an import feature, but we offer a data conversion and import service (see Data Import Services) for those who have existing data and can send it to us via email or disk in tab delimited ASCII format. The cost of this service is: $200 setup fee plus $.05 per record. There is an additional $35 per hour charge if it is necessary to modify and align inconsistent data fields and for special field handling. You should be able to export the data in your spreadsheet into a tab delimited ASCII format. If you are able to email your file (as an attached file), we will look at it and give you an exact quote for the cost of the conversion and import. Before sending the file, please contact us via email. We will respond with information on how you may be able to avoid importing if you have smaller amounts of data and specific instructions on what to do if you need this service.
We have a pastoral staff of 18 that are all currently using self-designed databases for their personal libraries. I would like to have the ability to merge them all into a single database, that can be accessed by themselves or their administration assistants via the network. Does Library 1.7 have this capability and if so, what is the cost for each multi-user?
Yes, with some limitations. The multi-user Library 1.7 uses concurrent licensing. You can install it for potential use by everyone on your network but the number actively using it at one time can not exceed the number of licenses you have purchased. Here are the limitations: All users can be granted “View Only” or “View Only with Check Out/In” authority but only one user at a time on the network can be designated to edit the data (the program has the capacity to set five authority levels). Editing and printing can be done from any desktop but only one user should be editing or printing at a time (it will lock any others out until the first user is through). If you will be using Library 1.7 mostly for viewing (searching, etc.) it will work fine for you since there is no problem with multiple viewers. The limitations have to do with editing and printing at the same time. The cost is $100 for each concurrent-use license (i.e. if you anticipated that no more than 3 of the 18 or more potential users would be needing to use the program at any one time, you would purchase 3 multi-user licenses for $300). You can increase the number of user licenses at a later time if needed for $100 each. Also, we can merge all your present databases into a single database if you will send those to us in tab delimited ASCII format (see Data Import Services).
Could you please let me know if your software can be used for cataloging legal documents and notifying a person when a contract is due for renewal? I would like as much information on this if it can perform these and other functions.
You can use Library 1.7 to do that but it can only produce a list of due or overdue contracts and then you would have to notify the person. What you would do is to use the Media Type field to distinquish the various contract types that you have and then set each contract type to the contract period of time (i.e. an annual contract = 365 days, etc.). When you write a contract you would find the specific contract record and then use the check out feature and enter the person’s name or reference number.
I am a pastor with a personal library of about 3,000 volumes but I am not able to use it effectively because I do not have a catalog system. I would like to find a program to catalog my volumes by author and title (maybe theme – but that seems like a lot of work). I would also like to catalog articles in collected volumes/ magazines. What I would like is a simple program. For example, this week I am preaching on meditation. I would like to do a search with the word meditation and have the program show me all the books on that theme.
Library 1.7 is a very simple and flexible program that can easily do what you are wanting to do. In fact, the Indexed Key Words/Phrases feature was particularly designed to keep track of information which can later be used in sermon preparation. For instance, if while reading a book you come across the word, phase, or concept of “meditation” (as in your example), and think that you might use that passage sometime in your sermons, you can note down on a piece of paper the page numbers where those passages occurred. When you are finished reading the book, you find the book record in the program and enter the word, phrase, or concept as a key word or phrase and also enter the page numbers in the book where it was found (from your notes). When you are ready to prepare your sermon, you search on that key word/phrase and get a list of all the books (with the page numbers) or videos (with track numbers), etc. that deal with that concept. Of course, if the whole book was on that topic, you would just enter it under the subject of “Meditation.”
In searching the Keywords/Phrases field, how does the system search? Word by word? Does it search phrases too?
Both word or complete phrase (or first word of phrase, etc.). You can also do partial word or phrase searching using wildcards in the text (i.e. “*dream” as in “American Dream”).
We own a video library with about 1500 customers and want to keep track of all the videos being rented. We would like to have a couple of reports to run at the end of every week to do this. Could we use Library 1.7 for this purpose.
Yes, Library 1.7 produces two reports that do this: “Items Checked Out” and “Items Overdue.” These reports reflect the title name of the item, who checked out the item, the date checked out, the date due, the date past due, etc. (See these reports at the end of the Y2K Compliance Report). Library 1.7 should work well for your purpose.
Can a report listing books by a certain subject be printed? For example, a lady comes in and says, “I need books about divorce”, can I run her a report showing what we have and the location on the shelf?
Yes, in fact you can do that several different ways.
You can print several types of listing such as a “By Subject” report and show all the books listed under each subject (you can just view the report before printing it). You can print using that same report and limit it to just the subject(s) you want by setting the search options accordingly.
Even faster than printing or viewing a report would be to use the program as an online catalog for which it was originally written. You would set the sort order to Subject (i.e. click on the field name or label “Subject”) and then click on the “Find” button, type “Divorce” and press Enter. You would then be looking at the first book (alphabetically) and you can view them one after another using the view buttons for next record.
Another way would be to set the search options for “Divorce” under Subject and then you would be viewing a subset of all the records–just those with the subject of divorce. The location on the shelf could be reflected under the Classification field depending on how you classify your library.
What types of printers does CROSS Library support? Does this system support dot matrix printers?
Yes, Library 1.7 does support dot matrix printers as well as laser, inkjet, and bubble jet printers. We originally designed Library 1.7 for laser printers but then later put in dot matrix label sets and continuous catalog cards for those who have dot matrix printers (which were often donated to libraries in the past although these are no longer common).
Is there a field for run time on videos and can it be printed on a report and catalog cards?
There is not a specific field but you could include it in the Collation field and it would show up on the “All Data” report and all the catalog cards (including the Shelf-List catalog card) which you can print on sheets of paper as a report.
I am a pastor with a home library of about 1500 volumes. I want to enter the library in the computer and have the capability of cross-referencing between books, periodicals, reports, etc. Is Library 1.7 going to do what I need?
Yes, and much more. Library 1.7 is a very flexible program both for viewing and printing reports. You can set the Sort order to the field of your choice and view the database in that order or use Find to find the first occurrence. You can Search in each field or a combination of fields for particular information. The Indexed Key Words/Phrases feature was originally designed for pastors to index scriptural references and later pull up all the books that address that particular reference along with the indexed information (page number in the book where the information is located). It can be used in a variety of other applications.
Can just a few labels or catalog cards be printed without difficulty, or do you have to print the entire file?
You can easily print just the labels you want by selecting them by Accession number (individually/range/mix) or by setting the Search Options for whatever you want.
Does Library 1.7 have an automated data backup feature?
A file Backup & Restore feature TO DISK to automatically backup Library 1.7 data was added in May of 2000.
May 2003: A file Backup & Restore feature TO INTERNET was added.
2018 and newer: If CROSS Library is downloaded to Windows 7 through 10 32-bit, this new version can use the automatic backup prompts as designed.
2016-2017: Due to technical difficulties with our print engine, we disabled the automatic backup prompts when closing a database or exiting the CROSS Library on all systems during update/install.
2019 MINT: We have not enabled automatic backup prompting yet while we work out the process flow to work best with how system start/close occur. Recommended Procedures provided in SUPPORT / README on desktop for reference.
ON AN OLDER VERSION: We recommend that you manually backup your database file(s) using ‘File/Backup/to Internet…’ or ‘File/Backup/to disk…’ options when you OPEN your database to avoid these issues at this time. THE BEST SOLUTIONS are available if you renew your CROSS Library Subscription and install our latest version.
What is the difference between the Search and the Find buttons in the View Records portion of the record maintenance screen?
Find is used to find a record by one field (the selected sort order field). It is the fast way to find a record. With Search you can specify criteria for any/all fields and then you view/print that subset of records.
With regards to the Data Import Services, is it possible for your company to analyse our data and give us a rough estimate of the number of hours needed to modify inconsistant data before we decide on whether to proceed with the conversion?
Yes, we will give you a fixed quote for which we agree to do the work even if it takes us longer. Before sending the file, please contact us via email. We will respond with information on how you may be able to avoid importing if you have smaller amounts of data and specific instructions on what to do if you need this service.
Can this software be used to track cassette tapes, video tapes, and printed music?
Yes, you would list them under their specific media type.
What adjustments need to be made to accommodate other types of media as they become available?
You would just add another appropriate media type name to the drop-down media type list.
Do you have a Library 1.7 demo?
We do not have a demo version but we do have a 90-day money back guarantee for any reason (i.e. $145 returned for a single-user – $5 shipping not included).
My church is looking for a program to catalog and keep up with our library. We want it so people can come in at any time and use your program to find books on our shelves. Is Library 1.7 “user-friendly” but also able to keep the user from changing the data?
Yes, Library 1.7 will do all you mentioned. It has five levels of authority:
Administrator (full authority to edit all User IDs, Passwords, and data)
Editing (authority to edit data)
View with Check Out/In (authority to only check items in or out)
View with Check Out Only (authority to check items out but not in)
View Only (authority to read-only ~ viewer mode)
The last authority is the one you want for your users. Library 1.7 was designed to operate as an online catalog in viewer mode just as you describe. One of the most common responses that we hear from our users is that Library 1.7 is so “user-friendly.”
I am somewhat confused about the number of users. What is the price for one user?
The word “user” refers to one computer that is using the program. It does not refer to how many people will use that program on that one computer. A single-user license is for one non-networked computer. The price is $145. Multi-user licenses refers to how many computers will be accessing the Library 1.7 program at one time on a network. To give an example, let’s say that you have 10 computers hooked up together on a network and that you only expect to be using three of them at one time for Library 1.7. Since Library 1.7 has concurrent-use licensing capability, you can purchase three multi-user licenses ($100 each or $300 total) and install Library 1.7 on all 10 computers. You would then have the capability to have Library 1.7 actively running on any 3 of the 10 computers at one time.
Does Library 1.7 have the capacity to import data?
The program does not have the capacity, but we do provide a data import service for a fee. Generally, the data must be sent to us (via disk or email attached file) in tab delimited ASCII text or Access 2.0, etc. We have been able to successfully import data from a variety of formats including those from older DOS library programs which were written and sold by companies that are no longer in business.
Note: We have devised ways in which we can convert and import data even from programs that do not export in tab delimited ASCII format (may require an additional charge). If you have existing data and can send it to us via email (as an attached file) or disk, we will look at it and give you an exact quote for the cost of the conversion and import. Before sending the file, please contact us via email. We will respond with information on how you may be able to avoid importing if you have smaller amounts of data and specific instructions on what to do if you need this service.
Does Library 1.7 have the capacity to export data into formats such as Excel or WordPerfect where I can design my own forms, catalog cards, etc.?
Yes. We include an export utility that we have developed which would be best for this (see next question and answer). A simple export function to several formats is also available in which you can select the records you wish to export using the Find or Search features.
Do you have a utility to export all Library 1.7 data to a file which would be useful for importing into another library catalog program? We don’t want to get caught again without this capability.
Yes, we have developed a Library 1.7 complete data export utility that uses standard export formats (including CSV and tab delimited). We include it in our installer at no additional cost.
How many subject headings can I assign to each item that I catalog?
Library 1.7 has two subjects but there are “workarounds” to list and print an unlimited number of subjects.
For online use, you can put as many subjects as you like into the Comments field for search purposes. You should use an identifier with the subjects (i.e. SUBJECTS: Singing, SUBJECTS: Prayer, Etc…) which would allow you to easily map them into an Unlimited Subjects field in a future upgrade. Just make sure that the identifiers (i.e. SUBJECTS: ) are consistently used (i.e. not SUBJECTS: in one record and SUBJ: in another).
Presently, if you want to print catalog cards for more than two subjects, you would need to change the subjects and then print them, change the subjects again and print them, etc. If you enter all the subjects in the Comments field as mentioned above, you could then start with the last two and end up with the Primary and Secondary subjects in Subject1 and Subject2.
What is the total capacity of the number of records that Library 1.7 may have?
Over 2 billion. The size or capacity of the user’s hard drive is the practical limit. The database holds about 1800 records per megabyte.
Is the date loaned recorded?
Yes, it is recorded until the item is checked back in. A history of all the books that have been checked out (and back in) and by whom is not presently maintained.
Can Library 1.7 run a report on who has items checked out at a specific time and what items are due at a specific time?
Does the program produce a report that sequentially lists overdue items sorted by due date?
We need to catalogue our books under our own classification system using a combination of numbers and letters. Is this possible?
Yes, if the length of the classification is no longer than 20 characters.
We are a smaller Church Library and use Subject classification instead of the numeral system. Can this program set up materials according to subject not Dewey Classification? Example: Christian Living, Evangelism, Youth, Children’s Video’s, etc.?
Would your software be usable for a large church’s historical archives management? We have photos (hundreds), documents (back to the 1870s), artifacts, records. We would want to input detailed text and categorizing info on a master record. From that we want to index the collection so we can quickly search by names, titles, eras, books, audio records, books, dates, etc. Will it do that?
Yes, I believe Library 1.7 will do that well. Any info that does not fit the pre-defined fields can be placed into the large Comments field (32K) which is searchable.
Do you have a catalog for the supplies that go with library 1.7?
We do not have a catalog, but you can see the list of supplies available in our online store.
I usually get 4 accession entries onto one side of a piece of paper and I was wondering if I would be able to print that info together like that? It will be so nice to not have to write everything over and over again…plus try to line up labels that don’t want to be lined up! I know this will greatly shorten my processing time, especially if I can use it as my accession “book” too. Does the program print a report like that?
Yes. You can print a variety of reports. There is an All Data report that shows the data in all the fields except for the Indexed Key Words/Phrases field. The Accession report shows: Accession #, Media Type, Title, Author, Publisher, Year, and Cost. The Bibliography with Summary report shows: Classification, Call, Author, Title, Summary, Copyright, Subject 1, Subject 2, Media Type, and Accession #. You can see an example of this report at: http://www.crosslibrary.com/l17bibws.htm
How do the labels, etc. feed through the printer? Are they on sheets?
Yes, they are on sheets.
Are the “labels for existing catalog cards” pasted over top of cards that are already in use?
Yes, or just to on catalog cards in already in stock. The “labels for existing catalog cards” are rarely used today because the info is very limited. That feature was put into the program before it had the capacity to print catalog cards.
Are the “book circulation labels” to be placed on check-out cards?
Yes, the one with the library name can be placed on the pocket and the other one on the card
We will be using one computer to do the entering and processing of materials. Can the holdings of the library be displayed in call no. order (classification plus cutter numbers)?
Yes, a Shelf List report prints a listing in Classification plus call number order. card
Can this system keep a waiting list and/or a list of lost items for you?
You can do things like that using the Comments field but it is not an automated feature. For instance, you can put headers in the Comments field like “WAITING LIST:” and then do a search to see or print a list of all the records involved. The same for “LOST ITEMS:”
Is Library 1.7 an OFFLINE system?
Internet access is not required to operate Library 1.7. The meaning of the term “online” has changed somewhat over the years. For instance, “Online Help” as it is used in connection with Library 1.7 means that you can press the F1 key to get help on your screen.
I’m looking for a basic library system in which I might catalogue our church’s pastors 5000 plus books. Please tell me a bit more about your product. Will it also catalogue his sermon data base?
Library 1.7 is primarily designed to catalog library items (i.e. books, tapes, etc.), but you can use it catalog sermon outlines, etc. The Indexed Key Words/Phrases was actually developed to help preachers track sermon usable info in their books and other reference material. See our description of this feature on our CROSS Library product description.
Does your system have an yearly fee or a one-time purchase price?
Although you may be able to use the software as-is for some time without payment of an annual fee each year, our model since 2020 is an annual subscription model. There are many benefits to maintaining the subscription. Overall, this is high on the list: With the fast pace of technology on all platforms these days, it is INADVISABLE to think that you can continue to use any system without regular routine updates to maintain compatibility with your operating system. Windows, Apple, Linux, and virtually everything else is changing more rapidly than ever before. We are continually upgrading our systems to adjust for these changes and that requires regular updates, testing, and support. This is why we have an annual subscription model.
Our valuable CROSS Library Subscription is how we provide the necessary software and system compatibility updates to you as well as remote desktop support, technical support via phone/email, and cloud/internet backup and restore as well as database maintenance services. We appreciate that maintain your annual subscription. This helps us provide improving services for you and your library. We cannot provide quality software without your very important partnership with us.
Could you tell me what supplies we need to get started? We probably will be using an Inkjet but don’t want to invest more in supplies than what we’ll really be needing to get started. I have no clue whether we need spine labels, circ. or whatever. Will we also need the catalog cards?
We recommend the #16-0777 Laser and Inkjet Label Sets (they are the most popular). If you get catalog cards, we recommend the #44-0255 for 1000 cards or #44-1255 for 3000. You may want to get the software first and then decide on which supplies to get after you see how the program works, etc.
Are any other software programs required beyond specifications listed in your technical information?
No–Library 1.7 is a stand alone program. For instance, it does not require you to have Microsoft Access software, etc.
What form of trouble shooting does the program have? Is there be a help index of items? How about online help?
Purchase of CROSS Library comes with CROSS Library Subscription free for 90 days to help you get started. This includes remote desktop and phone/email technical support–if you need any help just call or email.
Also, there is a “Getting Started” Help module to teach you step-by-step about the features of program. There is a help index you can search, and there is context sensitive help (i.e. press the F1 key anywhere in the program for help concerning that field, menu, etc.).
I am very interested in your church library software. Is this software capable of maintaining a catalog, and also allowing users to browse by author, subject, title, etc. to find where the book is located in the library?
Yes. You can assign a User ID to set up the Viewer only mode which gives them that capability without being able to change the data.
UPDATE: Coming soon in 2021: Online Web OPAC Search We will soon have a web-based search for your library data which extends this feature automatically world-wide for your collection when you enable it on your CROSS Library portal. If you have an existing subscription, we will be providing links via email to allow you to enable your Web Portal and to enable Web Search for each collection.
We are looking for a good software program to organize and track our church library. We liked all we saw in “Library 1.7” except we use check out cards and could not find the option to print these cards from within the program. Is it possible?
Library 1.7 prints circulation labels to be placed upon the pocket card and pocket. It does not print the cards directly.
In the example of a Classification # such as WB 39 P3482, is it possible for your program to classify the number as a string and keep the spaces in it?
Yes, you can place WB 39 P3482 in the Classification field which would then print that horizontally on the spine label and catalog cards just as you entered it.
Can you then leave the Call number spaces blank?
Yes, it automatically enters the first three characters of the authors last name, but you can delete the characters in the Call Letters field, in which case, only the classification field will show on the spine label, etc.
Is a circulation activity report available?
Yes, it is called “Items Checked Out” and shows the following data:
Title Author Accession #
Checked Out To Date Due Days Past Media type
This report reflects the field sort order and the search options, if set (i.e. you can print out the report sorted in Title, Author, or Accession # order and either print all items checked out or, by using the search options, you can make the report show just the video’s checked out, or just a certain author’s books checked out, etc.). See this report at the end of the Y2K Compliance Report).
Is an instruction manual included?
Instructions for installation, initial operation, and database Backup and Restore are emailed along with the download link and license information, but a printed manual is not available. Library 1.7 does have a “Getting Started” Help module (located as the first module under Help) that serves as an online instructional operational manual to help the user quickly and consecutively in a step-by-step process learn about the various features and how the program operates (adding records, selecting field sort orders, finding records by selected field order, searching, etc.).
In addition, Library 1.7 Help includes the following help modules: “Contents,” “Glossary,” “Index,” “How Do I?” “Search For Help On,” and “Using Help.”
Perhaps one of the most helpful user aids is the context-sensitive help which is available for help, suggestions/tips, etc. anywhere in the program by pressing the F1 key after selecting a field, button (depress and press F1), menu line, etc. It is doubtlessly this feature to which one user referred when she said:
“We purchased the Library 1.7 program this past year for our church library and I love it!!! I love this program because I am basically computer illiterate and this has been so easy and basic. It has felt like it has been leading me by the hand through each step.” See more User Comments.
The help modules can be printed when they are open one at a time, but no capability exists to print them all together. To print them, select “File” in the Help Module and then “Print Topic.”
A sample file is also included to show various examples and to aid the user in learning the program by experimenting with the search options, print reports, etc.
I find it hard to believe that Library 1.7 does what it does for the price.
We often hear similar comments. We have purposely kept down the price of our software to make it more affordable to churches and Christian schools that often operate with tight budgets.
I notice you have a way to work on files at home and copy them to the church computer. Does that mean it’s OK to install the program on my home computer too?
Yes, we allow librarians who do church library work at home to install the program on their home computer also without having to purchase another license. Of course, care must be taken to always have the latest file. Library 1.7 has a file Backup & Restore feature and we include an instruction sheet advising how to properly use it.
Hi, welcome to our trouble-shooting helps.
If you have having problems with Library 1.7 or questions, this is a good place to begin searching for answers.
In MOST CASES, you will want to make sure that the following steps have been done:
1. Verify that you have ALL of the latest Windows Service Packs and updates installed! This may require you to use Windows Update several times! You have to use the ‘Check for Updates’ link in the Windows Update utility to see if more updates are suggested for your system. Allow Windows to restart each time it prompts you to do so. After restarting, be sure to REPEAT THIS STEP in order RE-CHECK for MORE updates recommended for your system.
NOTE: It is VERY IMPORTANT to have all of the recommended, critical, and security Windows Updates installed as updates in Windows affect all other software on your computer (including CROSS Library) and may cause other software to fail to function properly due to glitches in Windows itself. If you have trouble installing the Windows Updates, give us a call. We will do our best to guide you in the right direction to get things working.
2. Then, after the above steps are done, update the CROSS Library software to the latest version–in case we have already solved your specific problem. This is due to the fact that all software has a list of known issues that the developers continue to work to resolve.
If your problem still exists, please search this forum for answers or solutions using the ‘Search’ box above.
Then, if you have not found any answers to your questions, please contact CROSS Systems, Inc. by either phone or email. This helps us to reduce our support time on the phone walking each individual through steps for questions we can more-efficiently answer here in this forum. By the way, this forum is always available–24 hours a day / 7 days a week! We are working to integrate and update all of the information from our old web site pages into these forums (shortening your search for answers as much as possible).
This will help us to respond more-efficiently to those who call needing support. It helps you get answers to your most-pressing needs quickly, and it helps us to fix more issues in the software even before many of you encounter problems.
In other words, if everyone follows this rule, EVERYONE benefits by having the solutions.
If you do not find an answer to your question in this forum, we welcome your call. Remember, free phone support is only available with an active CROSS Library Subscription. We want to help everyone of our customers the best way that we can.
Thank you.
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
How to fix Install problem…
I click on your Latest CROSS Library Install Link (or any previous installer links).
Then, I follow the instructions to download and install, but my web browser indicates that the download has been blocked. What do I need to do?
–Install all of the latest Windows Updates and Service Packs from Microsoft. You may start to do this by opening Internet Explorer on your computer, clicking on the Tools menu, then clicking on Windows Update.
Follow all of the screens there. Be sure to install any Critical Updates, Recommended Updates, etc. You may use the “Express Install” when prompted. If prompted, you should allow the system to restart as needed.
After that is finished, you will need to do this process again this time installing any Service Packs that are available. You may start to do this by opening Internet Explorer on your computer, clicking on the Tools menu, then clicking on Windows Update. This can be quite a long process. You will be prompted when the process is finished. It is likely that your computer will need to restart.
NOTE: After restarting, it is IMPORTANT to REPEAT this process AGAIN to be sure that you have all of the latest updates that are needed for your system to be secure and up-to-date. You may start to do this by opening Internet Explorer on your computer, clicking on the Tools menu, then clicking on Windows Update. Then, select “Express Install” when prompted.
If you have followed all of the instructions above, you may Return to the install page for CROSS Library and to repeat the install process.
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
Install Problem
When I’m installing CROSS Library 1.7, the “Downloading Updates for which you Quality…” progress bar goes to 99% and just hangs there for over 1/2 hour or more. What’s the problem and how can I fix it?
This is a very rare condition, still, we are looking to address this issue.
This usually happens due to firewalls, network routers (dsl or cable modems), or internet service providers blocking communications on certain ports. Java uses a protocol called RMI to handle this call to the CROSS Systems servers. RMI is designed to fall-back to alternate communications methods if it encounters errors. This does NOT seem to be happening correctly in some cases. We are continuing to work on a solution to this specific problem. Please check this post for future updates on this issue.
CROSS has made recent adjustments in our software and server-side systems which might help certain customers who were having this problem. We recommend that you get the latest update using our “Latest CROSS Library Install Link” and see if it works better now.
We’d be glad to talk with you if you are still having trouble.
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
Having trouble with CROSS Library on Parallels?
Q: I installed Parallels on my iMac, and I installed CROSS Library on it, but we’re having a problem where Library 1.7 loads and keeps showing an hourglass. We called technical support and they had us re-install using the Latest CROSS Library Install Link. The problem is still there. What can we do?
A: CROSS had the customer Send a Problem Report, diagnosed the problem to be caused by the tray icon (Library 1.7 Helper) not APPEARING to the software to be present (even though it’s actually there). The customer updated Parallel Tools in Parallels, restarted Windows, and the problem cleared up.
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
Why isn’t my FlashDrive detected when I download to it?
When using ‘Download Library 1.7 to FlashDrive’, you may have noticed that the system does not auto-detect your drive when you insert it. We have changed the system to no-longer attempt to use write-protected drives as they will not work like that anyway.
In this case, check that you have switched the write-protect setting on the drive to the off position.
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
Q: Why does ‘Download Library 1.7 to FlashDrive’ or ‘Download Library 1.7 to CD’ just do nothing?
A: This was fixed in a previous update release. While we were working on this portion of the system, we also added a better description shown when you are prompted to confirm the FlashDrive that the system located is the one you intend to use. Also, we no longer prompt you if a drive is write-protected–that, in itself, solves several known issues in this process.
(NOTE: This problem was later found to be an issue on some systems with Windows XP and on Windows 2000. CROSS has completed the solution and released it as an update.)
You may download the latest update and then try this operation again, HOWEVER, it appears that another update may be required in order for it to be functional due to other issues. We strongly connecting your computer to the internet during the install process and installing directly from our website. You may use the software without internet connection if you need to operate without internet access due to organizational requirements.
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
Why doesn’t my Library 1.7 Helper icon display anymore?
A: The most common cause of this problem is that whenever Java updates are downloaded and updated, Windows will automatically block the new version of Java from accessing the network. The CROSS software requires Java to operate properly. The source of the problem is that Windows Firewall blocks Java from operating by default. The solution below solves the issue.
SOLUTION: If a Java update has been installed, you must UNBLOCK it to allow it to operate freely on your computer.
You will need to select ‘UNBLOCK’ when prompted with any messages like the following:
‘Windows Firewall has blocked this program from accepting connections from the internet or the local network’
‘Java TM Platform SE Binary’
HOW TO FIX: Restart your computer, and look for a message like the one shown above. Clicking UNBLOCK will allow Java to operate properly, and the Library 1.7 Helper icon will automatically re-appear as it did previously. If this does not happen, you may need to uninstall all versions of Java and then re-install Java from the website www.java.com. After installing, you must UNBLOCK it when prompted.
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
Does CROSS Library work on 64-bit Windows?
February 21, 2019: Yes, we have released several versions of Mint in a rapid release cycle as requested by our customers–we have improved many aspects of the system and will continue. Call for support if having any issues, and we will get you up-to-date.
January 2019: Yes, via our CROSS Library Mint.
October 2018: Yes–using our CROSS Library Mint download.
BEST Solutions:
If you have Windows 64-bit, CROSS Systems, Inc. recommends downloading CROSS Library using the instructions on our download page. This install runs on your 64-bit Windows easily making compatibility very simple.
Of course, purchasing Windows 10 systems from CROSS pre-configured and ready-to-use from our online store is also a great option.
A: Library 1.7 works well with the following versions of Windows at this time:
-Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, and Vista (64-bit)
-Windows 10 (32-bit)
-Windows 7 (32-bit)
-Windows Vista (32-bit) -minor limitations due to OS age
-Windows XP (32-bit) -minor limitations due to OS age
For other versions of Windows, please refer to our Compatibility Page for details.
Note: CROSS Library 1.7 runs well on all supported 64-bit systems via our CROSS Library Mint. CROSS Systems, Inc. will install this for you if your CROSS Library Subscription is current. (We also continue to develop a new version of CROSS Library to replace the existing software functions and also provide web interfaces.)
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
Uninstalling Old Java Versions…
Before installing CROSS Library, our installer automatically uninstalls ALL INSTALLED Java versions shown in your Programs list in Control Panel. (Note: You MAY Reinstall the latest Java from www.java.com, if needed AFTER THE CROSS LIBRARY install is complete. The issue is only with the installer–not use of the CROSS Library system itself.)
If this does not occur, CROSS Library may have trouble installing properly. If you need to manually uninstall them, you can follow the directions at this link to UNINSTALL OLD JAVA VERSIONS.
Note, if you encounter problems, see the additional links found on that page in order to remove the older Java versions.
Return to the install page for CROSS Library and to repeat the install process.
Q: Why is uninstalling Java important?
A: Uninstalling older Java versions reduces the possibility of previously-installed CROSS software interfering with our current version of the software.
Also, it saves disk space on your computer and helps your computer to run faster.
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
Re: Troubleshooting hanging install process
I click on your “Latest CROSS Library Install Link”, and I follow the instructions to download and install, but I only see the ‘Loading CROSS Library’ screen once–nothing else happens. What do I need to do?
This is a fairly unusual situation. The problem is likely due to a firewall configuration problem. The CROSS Library installer can normally configure the necessary exceptions into the Windows Firewall. If that did not occur correctly or if you are using a third party firewall which we cannot configure, the solution is to create manual firewall exceptions using the steps below. Fortunately, it’s fairly easy to handle–see steps 2-4 below. The other steps are included to ensure that Windows is updated as needed.
–First, Install all of the latest Windows Updates and Service Packs from Microsoft. You may start to do this by opening Internet Explorer on your computer, clicking on the Tools menu, then clicking on Windows Update.
Follow all of the screens there. Be sure to install any Critical Updates, Recommended Updates, etc. You may use the “Express Install” when prompted. If prompted, you should allow the system to restart as needed.
After that is finished, you will need to do this Windows Update process again this time installing any Service Packs that are available. You may start to do this by opening Internet Explorer on your computer, clicking on the Tools menu, then clicking on Windows Update. This can be quite a long process. You will be prompted when the process is finished. It is likely that your computer will need to restart.
NOTE: After restarting, it is IMPORTANT to REPEAT this process AGAIN to be sure that you have all of the latest updates that are needed for your system to be secure and up-to-date. You may start to do this by opening Internet Explorer on your computer, clicking on the Tools menu, then clicking on Windows Update. Then, select “Express Install” when prompted.
1. If you did not restart while getting Windows Updates above, restart now. Then, logon as the account under which you wish to use CROSS Library. (Note, if you are installing onto Windows 2000 or XP, this account needs to have Administrative authority for CROSS Library to work properly. You can grant Administrator authority by first logging in as an Administrator and going to Control Panel/Users, then selecting the desired user account and clicking on ‘Account Type’ and selecting ‘Administrator’. You will need to click OK to save the changes, then restart and logon as the desired account.) Windows Vista and later do not require Administrator access to be granted as Windows will request/grant Administrator access when needed.
2. Then, click on Control Panel/Windows Firewall, and click on Exceptions. (In Windows Vista and Windows 7, you will first need to click on the link, ‘Allow a Program through Windows Firewall’.
3. Click on the ‘Add Program’ button, then click the ‘Browse’ button and locate C:\CROSSUPD\CROSSLibrary.exe, and click Open. Then, click the ‘Change Scope’ button and verify that the ‘Any Computer (including those on the internet)’ setting is selected and click OK. Then, click OK to save the new exception on the ‘Add a Program’ window. (If you get a message that states that this program is already in the exceptions list, click Cancel and move to the next step below.)
4. Click on the ‘Add Program’ button, then click the ‘Browse’ button and locate C:\CROSSUPD\CROSSElevatedTask.exe, and click Open. Then, click the ‘Change Scope’ button and verify that the ‘Any Computer (including those on the internet)’ setting is selected and click OK. Then, click OK to save the new exception on the ‘Add a Program’ window. (If you get a message that states that this program is already in the exceptions list, click Cancel and move to the next step below.)
5. Then, return here to repeat the install process.
CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team
How can I get a list of the unused accession #s in my CROSS Library 1.7 database?
For CROSS Library 1.7, we have report that can provide a basic list of “unused Accession #s” (blank entries). You can download and install that here. If your database is named LIB1.L17 and stored in the C:\CROSSL17 folder, this should work fine as-is. If your database name is DIFFERENT, you may need assistance to tweak the .bat file a bit, if so, call us, press 2 for support, and we’ll help configure it to work with your specific database.
- You can download the UACCN.zip here
- Call 1-877-615-7230, press 2 for support when you hear that option.CROSS Systems, Inc. Support Team