Greetings! It’s nearly May 2021 and CROSS has an update ready for CROSS Library!
This update resolves a long-known issue where a window drops behind the main CROSS Library application window causing trouble for the user. (At times it appears that CROSS Library may have frozen, however, this is not the case.) In the past, we described how to work around the issue and for the most part that will not be needed with a single exception.
The issue is resolved for Find, Search, Comments and Keywords screens.
This update should automatically install when ready. If you do not see it soon, you may try to install it by dbl-clicking the ‘Desktop Books’ icon. This should install the update for you if it is cached and ready-to-install. If it does not install, you may call for assistance to install it. This update has not installed if your ‘Version Date’ is earlier than April 30th, 2021 when you right-click on the ‘Little Books icon’. (See the last menu line for the Version information.)
Due to the way Keywords/Phrases is designed, you may still encounter the issue described below although it should be a fairly rare situation.
If you encounter this issue when Adding or Editing a Keyword or Phrase or when Adding Index Entries, please dbl-click on the Title Bar of the windows you see. This will roll them up allowing you to see behind them and to work with that window. Then, just dbl-click the Title Bar again to continue working.